Friday, June 28, 2013

June 2013 Books that Did Not 'Make the Grade'

This month there were two books that were great disappointments and did not have enough to keep me reading to make the grade:

The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie (2nd attempt): I TRIED! I tried so hard to read get through it, and this time I made it through the first 1/3 of the book!  I was beginning to have high hopes for Hugh’s novel but unfortunately, I could not understand where the story was going and the only character that kept me interested in the story was the main character, Thomas Lang.
NOTE: These were my reasons for The Gun Seller not making the grade back in November: His plot was all over the place, his character introductions were not the best and personally, I had a hard time appreciating his British humor. Everything here remains true except for the last part; the dry British humor begins to grow on you after a while.

Honeymoon by James Patterson and Howard Roughan: I am a big fan of James Patterson, but this book was a disgrace. Was it that bad? Oh was BAD. If I had a rating system for books that did not make the grade (which I should start doing), this book would get the lowest score. Here’s what made the book so bad: the romantic scenes were so cutesy and fake they made me feel sick with repulsion and I wanted to punch the main character, Nora, in the face because of how evil and hollow she was. That's it, short and sweet.

Happy 1 year anniversary to Shelly Beans Book Reviews! Thank you so much for reading my reviews and as always, let me know what your thoughts are on my reviews, the books themselves, and recommendations of what I should read in the future!


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